June 29 2016 1Comment
US Department of State Apostille

US Department of State Apostille

The California Secretary of State Apostille in Los Angeles and Sacramento is responsible to issue an apostille stamp on documents issued in the State of California and destined for use in a Hague Convention Country.

Price: $60.00 Per Document

Processing Time:  2-4 Business Days

What is a federally issued document?

Any document issued by one of the federal agencies, entities or courts in the United States. The document must be an original certificate and contains the raised seal of the federal agency to be accepted for the authentication process from the US State Department in Washington DC. Examples of the federal agencies are:-

  • The Food and Drug Administration-  the FDA original documents.
  • The Federal bureau of Investigation- the FBI Background Check.
  • The Environmental protection Agency- the EPA.
  • The Internal revenue Service-  the IRS.
  • The US Patent and Trademark Office- the USPTO.
  • The United State Department of Agriculture- the USDA Phytosanitary Certificate and Plant/Animal Health Certificate.
  • The US Homeland Security- Naturalization certificate.
  • The United States Social Security Administration- SSA Social Letters.
  • Documents issued by the Federal Court and the Federal Court Judgements.

California Apostille offers its customers 2 options to authenticate their documents based on their situation:

  1. Complete the authentication request form. It includes your basic contact information and your destination country.
  2. Fee is $8.00 per document- Money Orders and checks are accepted for mail-in Orders, Cash and Credit Cards payments are acceptable for walk-in service only. Make your payment payable to “ US Department of State”.
  3. Processing time is 6-8 Business days.
  4. Prepare a prepaid self-stamped envelope for the return of your document.
  5. Mail your package, which includes all the previously mentioned items to the following address:-

Office of Authentications

U.S. Department of State

44132 Mercure CIR
PO BOX 1206
Sterling, VA 20166 1206

  1. Include a note that include your basic contact information and your destination country.
  2. Include your payment: $60.00 per Apostille- check, money orders and credit cards are acceptable. Processing time is 4 business days.
  3. Include a prepaid return airway bill to return your document,otherwise it will be returned via normal US Postal Service.
  4. Send your package to the following address:

Att: US Apostille

1330 New Hampshire Ave, NW Suite B1, Washington, DC


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