International Apostille certification is something you are going to deal with if you are planning to continue your study abroad. Scholarship holders, university exchange students, and many others will be asked to Apostille their academic credentials (transcripts, degree) to be accepted by international universities. So, you must be asking… How to apostille Academic […]
3 Simple Steps to order Free Sale Certificate and Apostille It from California Secretary of State A Certificate of Free Sale indicates that a particular product such as cosmetics, infant food, seafood, land food, food additives, medical devices etc., is legally marketed throughout the United States and/ or eligible for export process. Since 2016, the […]
Looking for Marriage Certificate Apostille Services in the State of California? California Apostille can help to expedite your Apostille Marriage Certificate from the California Secretary of State Office for use in any of the Hague Convention countries. You must issue a certified copy of your Marriage Certificate from the Local Health Department (State registrar) before […]
Looking for Death Certificate Apostille Services in the State of California? California Apostille can help to expedite your Apostille Death Certificate from the California Secretary of State Office for use in any of the Hague Convention countries. You must issue a certified copy of your Death Certificate from the Local Health Department (State registrar) before […]
Looking for Divorce Certificate Apostille Services in the State of California? California Apostille can help to expedite your Apostille Divorce Certificate from the California Secretary of State Office for use in any of the Hague Convention countries. You must issue a certified copy of your Divorce Certificate from the Local Health Department (State registrar) before […]
Looking for Agency Agreement Apostille Services in the State of California? California Apostille can help to expedite your Apostille Agency Agreement from the California Secretary of State Office for use in any of the Hague Convention Apostille countries. Agency Agreement certification requires California notarization before you can obtain California State Apostille Services.